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      Card Dunlop Label Printing Co., Ltd. for investment in click to enterthe Chinese version ...


         Card Dunlop Label Printing Co., Ltd. welcome to all the agents or brokers to contact us, our products, agents and dealers. We will be the most favorable prices, to maximize the local agent to help brokers. The agent of theCompany'sproductsaremainly self-adhesive, self-adhesive label printing, special labels, security production, printing and other special products. The Secretary of the agency brokers to make the following commitments: to give the settlement the most competitive price. Free agency fees, agents can independently determine the price level of local sales price. Brokers to give the greatest degree of agency technical support and guidance. Sample card given to other aspects of material and designhelpandsupport.Becomeeligible for the Division agent middlemen: agents brokers should have the ability to independently bear the business risk. A fixed abode, fixed office space, a fixed contact.

         Card Dunlop Label Printing Co., Ltd. welcome to all the agents or brokers to contact us, our products, agents and dealers. We will be the most favorable prices, to maximize the local agent to help brokers. The agent of the Company's products are mainly self-adhesive, self-adhesive label printing, special labels, security production, printing and other special products. The Secretary of the agency brokers to make the following commitments: to give the settlement the most competitive price.Free agency fees, agents can independently determine the price level of local sales price. Brokers to give the greatestdegree of agency technical support and guidance. Sample card given to other aspects of material and designhelpandsupport.Becomeeligible for the Division agent middlemen: agents brokers should have the ability to independently bear the business risk. A fixed abode, fixed office space, a fixed contact.

         In particular, the Company received a special welcome to self-adhesive, self-adhesive label printing, special labels, security production, special printing business brokers and the one of cooperation with the Division, as the department's agent franchisees.

        Merchants Tel :86-371-63722269 Mobile:86-13838351228 Contact: Mr. Tian



      鄭州,漯河,許昌,南陽,周口,駐馬店,焦作,濟源,新鄉,洛陽,開封,安陽,鶴壁 陜西(西安、寶雞、咸陽、延安、渭南) 山東(濟南、青島、煙臺、荷澤、淄博、濰坊) 山西(太原,大同,臨汾,運城,晉城) 北京、上海、重慶、天津、廣州 福建(廈門、福州、石獅、泉州) 海南(海口、三亞、文昌、瓊海)
      青海(南寧、格爾木、玉樹、烏蘭) 安徽(合肥,六安,阜陽,界首,宿州,滁州,蕪湖,淮南 廣西(南寧、柳州、桂林、玉林) 遼寧(沈陽、大連、鞍山、撫順、本溪) 內蒙古(呼和浩特、包頭、滿洲里、赤峰) 云南(昆明、玉溪、大理、綏江) 河北(石家莊、承德、秦皇島、邢臺、邯鄲)
      湖北(武漢、漢口、武昌、宜昌) 湖南(長沙、岳陽、衡陽、瀏陽) 甘肅(蘭州、天水、玉門、酒泉) 廣東(廣州、深圳、珠海、汕頭) 寧夏(銀川、賀蘭、石嘴山、彭陽) 新疆(烏魯木齊、石河子、和田、咯什) 四川(成都、綿陽、南充、瀘州)
      貴州(貴陽、六盤水、綏陽、遵義) 江西(南昌、九江、上饒、景德鎮) 黑龍江(哈爾濱、牡丹江、大慶、鶴崗) 吉林(長春、四平、敦化、通化) 西藏(拉薩、昌都、林芝、日喀則) 江蘇(蘇州、南京、連云港、揚州) 浙江(杭州、溫州、紹興、瑞安)



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