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      Food label printing ink selection, click to enter the Chinese version

         The requirements of the food label printing inks addition of substrate binding, wear resistance, in line with the basic requirements of food hygiene and safety, due to a wide range of food contains different nutrients, storage conditions vary some of the food food characteristics of the food production of printed labels produced by the common label printing requirements, reference standards are not the same label printing. Some foods require labels resistant to disinfection, water tolerance, and resistance to cold storage, processing conditions, and some need to label strong freezing tolerance, heat resistance, moisture and other characteristics, to ensure food transportation, storage not the ink off, label adhesion condensation phenomenon, and some even in the printing of food labels but also the use of special security ink. Label printing ink performance indicators include the hue, fineness, saturation, gloss, adhesion, viscosity, drying and so on. Have a significant impact on performance on the quality of the label printing process and printing labels. Mainly in the following areas:
      Stability is one of the prerequisites to ensure that the print quality of prints and color consistency

      ◆ ink viscosity, ink viscosity is too high or too low is not conducive for label printing, ink viscosity control is very important. In general, the food label printing process, with the continuous volatility of water and solvents in the ink, the ink viscosity will gradually improve, it should have always been in the printing process measuring ink viscosity, good viscosity changes recorded a timely manner to adjust the viscosity of printing ink, need not need to add the appropriate amount of diluent;
      ◆ drying of ink on the label printing also has a great influence drying too quickly easily lead to the pattern indistinct or not printed will dry version of the phenomenon; dry too slowly, likely to cause ink adhesion or labels printed materials brush stick dirty. In general, the drying speed of ink and printing speed should be the drying capability of printing equipment and printing pattern area compatible, of course, also useful for the installation of the UV printing device of each color group to accelerate the ink drying;
      To meet food safety requirements of the labeling of foods produced printing using water-based ink printing, water-based ink printing in Europe, the most up. For water-based label printing inks, control of the pH value is very important, generally between 8 and 9 for the best. The change of pH of water-based ink can also cause changes in viscosity, therefore, in the intervals is necessary to add the right amount of ink in the pH value of stabilizer ink pigments; In addition, pay attention to controlling the amount of the label printing process, the pigment the ratio is too high (above 35%) make the ink viscosity value is high, larger thixotropy affect the ink transfer, you need the ink to make the necessary mixing, and the ink is placed in a suitable temperature ( 20 ℃) ??under the conditions of preservation. Should also be considered to choose the ink to the ink particle size and drying properties of printing inks. In particular, both large area of ??color on the label, another text, line, or halftone image, we should consider the different requirements of different patterns on the drying rate of ink too thick paint will anilox have some wear in the choice of The ink should also pay attention to.

         In general, the choice of label printing inks should consider printing the type of label materials, printing, and printing conditions, the special requirements of customers, the finishing process, the label uses and conditions of use, cost factors considered about before, such as:
      ◆ printing the type of material and performance is one of the most important factor in decision to label printing inks. Different substrates require different ink. For example, paper labels can be used water-based ink printing, film class labels usually solvent-based ink printing. In addition, it is worth noting that even the same types of substrates, variety, grade or surface properties may also use different ink;
      An important factor in of
      ◆ printing and printing conditions also affect the choice of label printing inks. Different printing ink is generally not a substitute for the use or mixed use, and the printing speed, printing equipment types and properties also have some impact on the choice of label printing inks;
      ◆ in the choice of label printing inks, but also give full consideration to the requirements of customers. Sometimes customers may be asked to label some special effects, such as ice effects, matte effects, effect of security, then we may have from the point of view of the label printing inks to consider how to meet the special requirements of customers and products;
      ◆ whether the labels to follow the products they paste together through some special machining process? Have any special requirements? Also have some impact on the choice of label, such as in the processing flow of some products, the label pasted on may have to withstand high temperature test, or to come into contact with certain chemical reagents, which requires labels The printing inks must have excellent heat resistance, chemical resistance, etc., otherwise it will cause deformation or damage to the label;
      ◆ the use of self-adhesive labels and the use of the environment is to choose a label printing ink can not be ignored, such as daily chemical cleaning products on the label, usually require the printing ink has good acid and alkali resistance, grease resistance. In another example, in outdoor use labels to withstand the test of the wind, sun and rain, so the choice of label printing inks must pay attention to the ink in the light-fastness, water resistance, high temperature, acid and other aspects of performance;
      ◆ food labels production costs factors. The corporate goal is to pursue the maximization of profit, this is necessarily related to cost issues. In general the price of the UV label printing ink, followed by water-based label printing inks, solvent-based label printing ink lowest price. Of course, we must consider the fees and costs of the transport, storage and other aspects of label production.

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