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      Beer label aluminum foil used in the production printing technology and development applications, click into the Chinese version

        1, the beer label printing foil the main technical indicators: 1.1 beer label printing with the chemical composition of both the foil is hot-rolled billet or billets production of beer with a standard casting aluminum foil, and its chemical composition are 8011 alloy. However, print production, different manufacturers of printing the actual control is not the same composition range, such as North China Aluminium is a low range of alloy composition control the production of beer mark foil, the control of its chemical composition is mainly on account of products tensile strength, elongation, and technical indicators such as aluminum foil pinhole degree to be able to meet user requirements. 1.2 Mechanical properties of beer are now marked with aluminum foil thickness of 0.0115mm, the mechanical properties of tensile test commonly used test strip, the width of the parallel part of 15mm, length 170mm, 100mm gauge of the tensile specimen, according to the user effect, 80112O , 0.0115mm beer tensile strength of standard aluminum foil is generally 80 ~ 90N/mm2 between the elongation rate of 2% to 2.5%. In addition, different users have additional requirements, such as burst strength. These technical indicators are generally tested by the wine label printing, foil supplier to ensure that through the process rather than a separate plant for testing. 1.3 aluminum foil pinhole and surface quality requirements through the thin aluminum foil beer standard color coating after printing can be used for sealing, the higher the quality of its surface, the surface of aluminum foil does not allow the oil spot, prints and other obvious defects. Beer mark foil surface after printing in a uniform marked with holes, this unique craft beer standard requirements, the requirements for the degree of aluminum foil pinhole is very strict, almost not allowed to have pinhole defects in the aluminum foil. If the original aluminum foil pinhole more, plus the finished beer itself, marked the holes marked, on the surface of aluminum foil into a "sieve", aluminum and other performance will deteriorate, it will seriously affect the brewery's labeling speed. However, the current domestic supply of beer to mark casting billets can achieve a smaller aluminum foil pinhole, in this regard can basically meet the requirements of users.

       2, marked with aluminum foil beer production process control points, following the production of beer only standard aluminum billet casting process control points is reviewed, the process is as follows: melting → casting → Still Refining composition adjustment → → Add crystal-line degassing refiner → filtration → casting → cold rolling → In the middle of the thickness of aluminum foil rolling heat treatment → → → finished pairs of co-rolling heat treatment → cutting → product packaging inspection. 2.1 Casting processes process control points, in casting the production process of aluminum melt is relatively strict quality control, in addition to the normal adjustment of ingredients, thorough slag outside, into the holding furnace (standing furnace) of the melt to be refined , refining time according to the weight of the charge, should normally be more than 15min, refined medium N2 or N2 + CCl4; before the casting, and then refined online, so that molten aluminum into the casting area to minimize the amount of hydrogen. In order to control the grain size of slab casting, the melt into the filter box should be added before the grain refiner, used the Al2Ti2B 9.5 ~ 10mm diameter wire, adding speed and casting speed according to the slab width is slightly different, as in the case of casting speed 1.0m/min production of 7.5mm × 1200mm of casting slab, Al2Ti2B wire to join the speed is generally 200 ~ 250mm/min. 2.2 cold and foil rolling processes and process control points 2.2.1 Cold beer mark foil rolling process of aluminum foil shape and surface quality are higher, and to choose a new grinding roller for finished work passes the foil rolling, the work roll and the guide roller to good condition, minor in each province to set or select the appropriate plate-shaped curve, to ensure smooth foil shape. 2.2.2 In the middle of the thickness and the thickness of the heat treatment in the domestic product, the production of beer with standard casting billet aluminum foil, generally in the middle of cold-rolled annealed pass once, because the higher annealing temperature (usually above 500 ℃), said for the homogenization of different plant selection for intermediate annealing in different thickness, for example, 2.0mm or 0.8mm thick. The homogenization of the rolling stock on the one hand can improve performance, but also can improve the elongation of aluminum foil. In the finished foil annealing consideration is to eliminate the surface of the aluminum rolling oil and finished products to ensure that the mechanical properties of insulation commonly used for degreasing temperature for a long time, such as (180 ~ 230) ℃ (20 ~ 30) h, degreasing results can be achieved GB3198 standard requirements of the performance of Class A water brush; consider the mechanical properties to meet the technical standards, generally above 300 ℃ heat 20 ~ 30h annealing. With China's beer industry, market competition becomes more intense, the competition from the past, beer products, quality, price competition into a brand-centric, quality, labeling and packaging for the three major pillars of the comprehensive competitiveness. Among them, the label as an effective way to differentiate products and encourage consumers to buy an important factor, get the manufacturer's attention, "to do is to do the wine label." However, for some time, the majority of my colleagues did not get the beer label attention, but with the rapid development of packaged beer, beer bottle labels are changing, and now most of the brewery using aluminum foil. Terms with the industry standard called beer. Good beer standard, both to create a good visual impact, while gaining market recognition for beer packaging is both beautiful and practical in terms of brand endorsements.

        Now the domestic beer commercial products 80112O, 0.0115mm foil. In this the author of beer with a standard casting billet production process with aluminum foil, product mechanical properties, pinhole, and the user's technical requirements have been reviewed, while the beer mark foil to predict trends in beer standard with aluminum foil first major Technical indicators from the deeply moved by the chemical composition, mechanical properties and foil pinholes and surface requirements to consider. In our country, both hot-rolled billet or billets production of beer with a standard casting aluminum foil, and its chemical composition are 8011 alloy, the alloy is the main component in Table 1. But in production, the actual control of different manufacturers is not the same composition range, such as North China Aluminium is a low range of alloy composition control the production of beer marked with aluminum foil, and its main chemical composition of the control product is to consider the tensile strength , elongation, and technical indicators such as aluminum foil pinhole degree to be able to meet user requirements. Now beer mark foil thickness of 0.0115mm, mechanical performance test commonly used strip tensile specimens, the parallel part of the width of 15mm, length 170mm, 100mm gauge of the tensile specimen, according to the user using fruit, 80112O, 0.0115 mm tensile strength of the beer is generally marked with aluminum foil between 80 ~ 90N/mm2, elongation rate of 2% to 2.5%. In addition, different users have additional requirements, such as burst strength. These technical indicators are generally tested by the wine label printing, foil supplier to ensure that through the process rather than a separate plant for testing. Thin aluminum foil after the beer standard color coating after printing can be used for sealing, so the higher the quality of its surface, the surface of aluminum foil does not allow the oil spot, prints and other obvious defects. Beer mark foil surface after printing in a uniform marked with holes, this unique craft beer standard requirements, the requirements for the degree of aluminum foil pinhole is very strict, almost not allowed to have pinhole defects in the aluminum foil. If the original aluminum foil pinhole more, plus the finished beer itself, marked the holes marked, on the surface of aluminum foil into a "sieve", aluminum and other performance will deteriorate, it will seriously affect the brewery's labeling speed. However, the current domestic supply of beer to mark casting billets can achieve a smaller aluminum foil pinhole, in this regard can basically meet the requirements of users. Second, standard aluminum foil on the beer production process control points described. Beer mark foil casting billet production process control points and process: melting → casting composition Refining → Adjust → standing line in addition to adding grain refiner, gas → → → cold rolling → filtration → casting thickness in the middle heat aluminum foil rolling → → → finished pairs of co-rolling heat treatment → cutting → product packaging inspection. Casting processes, process control points mainly place in the casting production process, the aluminum melt is relatively strict quality control, in addition to the normal adjustment of ingredients, thorough slag outside, into the holding furnace (standing furnace) of the melt to be refining, refining time according to the weight of the charge, should normally be more than 15min, refined medium N2 or N2 + CCl4; before the casting, and then refined online, so that molten aluminum into the casting area to minimize the amount of hydrogen. In order to control the grain size of slab casting, the melt into the filter box should be added before the grain refiner, used the Al2Ti2B 9.5 ~ 10mm diameter wire, adding speed and casting speed according to the slab width is slightly different, as in the case of casting speed 1.0m/min production of 7.5mm × 1200mm of casting slab, Al2Ti2B wire to join the speed is generally 200 ~ 250mm/min. Cold rolling and foil rolling process control points from the process of what aspects described, beer mark foil shape and surface quality of the higher, and to choose a new grinding roller for finished work passes the foil rolling, the work roll and the guide roller to good condition, minor in each province to set or select the appropriate plate-shaped curve, to ensure smooth foil shape. Thickness and the thickness of the finished product in the middle of the heat treatment. In China, producing beer with standard casting billet aluminum foil, generally in the middle of cold-rolled annealed pass once, because the higher annealing temperature (usually above 500 ℃) is called the homogenization of different options in different plant thickness of the intermediate annealing, such as 2.0mm or 0.8mm thick. The homogenization of the rolling stock on the one hand can improve performance, but also can improve the elongation of aluminum foil. In the finished foil annealing consideration is to eliminate the surface of the aluminum rolling oil and finished products to ensure that the mechanical properties of insulation commonly used for degreasing temperature for a long time, such as (180 ~ 230) ℃ (20 ~ 30) h, degreasing results can be achieved GB3198 standard requirements of the performance of Class A water brush; consider the mechanical properties to meet the technical standards, generally above 300 ℃ heat 20 ~ 30h annealing.

        Finally marked with aluminum foil beer set the trend. Marked thinning of the beer is moving, alloy and high-performance trend, domestic aluminum producers to process objective of the study are roughly in that direction. Beer mark foil thinning trend. Now beer is generally marked with a foil thickness of 0.0115mm, the domestic part of the foreign-funded enterprises have made ??it to 0.0112,0.0105,0.01 mm thickness thinning goals, and performance requirements of the material does not change. Current by adjusting the 8011 North China Aluminium alloy composition and annealing process system to produce a thickness of 0.0112mm aluminum foil below the standard beer; North China Aluminium Company is also marked with a beer in aluminum alloy were studied, with the preparation of the new current the 8 × × × alloys, the thickness can be mass-produced beer 0.0105mm standard foil. Beer standard alloying with aluminum foil and high-performance trends. With the beer mark foil thinning, clear performance 8011 alloy, pinholes and other indicators is difficult to fully meet user requirements, you must adjust the original alloy composition or preparation of the new alloy in order to maximize the thinning at the same time in foil guarantee the performance indicators. Dunlop label card company developed 8 × × × O status beer standard alloy with aluminum foil, thinning to 0.0105mm, and strength can reach 85 ~ 95N/mm2, elongation (gauge 100mm) to 2.5% 3.0%, 95% of the products are not pinhole, the product quality in Guangzhou, Wenzhou, Suzhou, and user acceptance.


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