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      Zhengzhou security label printing production network clicks into the Chinese version

         If you need to do security label printing or trademarks of making sure to select the security card Dunlop Zhengzhou security label printing Co., Ltd., because the card Dunlop label printing is a printing company: security labels, laser anti-counterfeit mark, laser holographic anti-counterfeiting label, 800 security code labels, hot stamping anti-counterfeit trademark, super-line anti-counterfeit trademark, 2D, 3D stereo and other security printing of high-tech enterprise integrated security printing. House from computer graphics to the logo design plate laser eye tracking, automatic die-cutting factory closed. Commonly used in anti-counterfeiting technologies include: multi-layer multicolor,threedimensional floating, laser microfilm encryption, encryption Moore, lithography effect, combined holography, laser decoding, interference fringes, rotate the aperture, the proliferation of light and other difficult-plate laser anti-counterfeit technology , while S & P card will be music designed for customers of the security image, making our products with comprehensive anti-counterfeiting security, beautify and increase the valueaddedproducts packaging a variety of effects. The company will be innovative security technology security management concept for the public company's products out of a force in the market to maintain a good image of the product. Company's security products are widely applied: elevator tag leather clothing, medicine and health products, beverages and foodstuffs, liquor, wine, red wine and other liquor, hardware, tools, electronics, tobacco, chemicals, cosmetics, household items, toys, gifts, Publishing products, automotive accessories label, motorcycle, agricultural and so on characteristics of trademark counterfeiting printing products. Major anti-counterfeiting label manufacturing technology requirements are as follows: 1. As unique: security technology features a unique security identification products and non-metastatic. For example, digital security, so that an anti-counterfeit trademark goods an identity code, a security mark only once for each use, can not be transferred to use. (2) stable: under normal conditions of use, security identification products anti-counterfeiting technology to maintain the sustainable features oftheshortest time. For example, fluorescent ink and ink temperature change, there are decay period. 3 rhythm in normal use conditions, the anti-counterfeit technology products security features have been successfully copied identify the shortest time. This is most concerned about our customers, manufacturers should make the commitment period. 4 anti-counterfeiting efforts: identifying the authenticity and prevent counterfeiting features durability and reliability. Anti-counterfeiting efforts by the security identification number of features, the numberofexclusiveanticounterfeiting technology, the difficulty of imitation and imitation costs the size of 4 elements. 5 Using Adaptive: security products, security technology features to identify the target with the use of the subject matter or the ability to meet the requirements. 6 recognition performance: anti-counterfeit technology products through the sensory characteristics of the security identification or machine (equipment) within the required time to correctly identify the identification. Line identification emphasizes identifying characteristics of the public security of intellectual, that is able to identify through the senses; simple instruments stress the importance of second-line identification (such as a magnifying glass, laser pointer, UV fluorescence authentication, etc.) that is able to identify; three lines identify stress the importance of special equipment (such as DNA identification ) identified by experts as a basis for judicial determination. Second-line identification and third-line recognition emphasize the hidden security features of identification. 7 use of environmental requirements: anti-counterfeit technology products of security features should be able to meet the normal use of the subject matter of environmental requirements. 8 technical security and confidentiality: the design, production technology, security technology products should have the security and confidentiality. In addition to the economic costs of adaptation should also be considered, namely, anti-counterfeiting technology to meet the requirements should also be used to minimize costs.


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