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      Car-sticker printing, static film printing Click to enter Chinese version

      Car-sticker printing is the Zhengzhou card Dunlop label printing company, a business project,car stickers printing is widely usednow,Zhengzhou cardDunlop labelprinting companythatis specializingin self adhesive label printing large car companies professional carstickers printing company have advanced equipment and design team, first-class service to meet customer needs, Zhengzhou card Dunlop stickers car stickersprintingcompanycan print a good reputation, customer door, car stickers The concept of printing, also known as pull flower car stickers, logo, stickers,cardecalsinto (the English translation of Car Decal) and motorcycle decals (English translation Motorcycle Decal) two, April 20, 1887 for the first timeinFrance Paris hosted the world's racing debut, players racing car side door must be labeled to identify that entry number, which is theearliestform of car stickers, car and motorcycle after a long promotional event, a large number of sponsors into the racing industry, car body began toappearthenature of the advertising sponsor's brand car stickers, such as the famous Ferrari Marlboro and other sponsors, so we called the modified car stickers car stickers and logo stickers, car stickers can be said that the first large-scale that originated in the popular racing; car stickers fromEurope and Japan to develop the automotive industry and the rise of popularity of car and home crowd increasingly younger personal, because the young by racing-style character traits and the impact of popular car stickers gradually swept the world. Main process are: Knife CarvingKnifeCarvingprocess technology car stickers A.: Vector graphics is the computer will enter Daoke machine, Daoke machine will self-adhesive film cut to the default graphics shapes, and then the hand will be different color stitching together the finished, finished last in the car covered by alayer of paste on the surface transparent transfer film, after removing the paste car stickers; because Daoke car stickers complex production process, material costs are too high, currently only for personal cars and Cheyou team of small-scale custom;B.printing,inkjet,photo,screenprintingprocess: refers to the computer to the input vector or pixel image machine, the machine according to the graph to color ink jet or screenprintingtechnology or bottom screen in transparent or white membrane, then through the cutting edge of knife patterns formed along version; present,mostmanufacturers (such as motorcycles, electric bicycles, etc.) process are mass-produced car stickers screen printing process; C Metal craft and other: metalcraft refers to aluminum and other metal sheet through the machine to suppress the uneven surface, and then produce metalpaintcolors,andfinallypolished, drawing and other craft making car stickers (logo); the metal car stickers The area is not too large, now only a landmark for thesmallcarstickers. Zhengzhou card Dunlop adhesive label printing company printed the main style sports car stickers car stickers to mimic the style appeared on the racing track patterns are mostly simple and dynamic pattern car stickers, stickers can be a simple love from their own car racing to find some sense, a lot of people are enthusiastic. Artistic style car stickers often used flow lines, geometric shapes, or cartooncharacters,cartoonanimals, there are some car owners prefer the style of traditional Chinese patterns, Dan ink, calligraphy and seal cutting, totem mask other patterns, the body is the vehicle owners to express their way of life of T shaped units. Materials, car stickers car stickers materials are mainly of PVC can be adapted to outdoor conditions for outdoor special adhesive stickers, which requires advertising than the average level with a more wear-resistant and UV resistant material such as, material and color of clothing fabrics although not so rich, But there are ordinary, luminous, reflectivemetal, laser reflective, brushed metal, and so many options. Car stickers all under the car nothing is to, on both sides of the body, hood,lighteyebrows, skirts, wheel hub, as long as the current regulations allow the creation of a reasonable range, can enjoy theinterpretationoftheowner'spersonality preferences. Car stickers are not for the young, people of all ages, as long as the love of car culture, love life can be found from thecarsticker fun. 3M reflective material car stickers car stickers car feng shui must withstand sun, car stickers must be waterproof,sunscreen, should not fade and tear after leaving the durability of plastic and other functions, so the current car stickers to choose the best self-adhesive, self-adhesive color and materials made by a special process in the factory that has the highest color durability, while the other car stickers productionmethods such as printing, inkjet, photo, screen printing process is used to ink and color inkjet In the end, or screen membrane, the current scientific and technological means, there is no long any pigment ink can withstand the outdoor sun and wind. As Daoke adhesive ensures that the car sponsor logo on the car with a clear sense of high quality and high-grade adhesive in the peel will not damage the car paint and gloss, sotheinternational racing is not widely used Daoke Adhesive stickers car production process, and self-adhesive 3M material Youyi the best known American brand, with the advances in technology, 3M invented reflective stickers in the nineties have been gradually used to make car stickers, eye-catching not only the dazzling colors and reflective at night greatly improves vehicle driving safety, as a journey, car stickers and gradually with the number, brand, decorative and safety features Spinella four essential supplies.Label printing from exchange network www.www.wcnmwcnm2.cn

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      Enter the following graphic design stickers printing and packaging label security industry QQ group, the group number is:96857856,87422635, 75643373,3362750,207217902,207210817,2900233,229808087,177266317,3257645,91186808,232096270,223936625,229535262,215820776Exchange of relevant knowledge. You can also share and search through the following:






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