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      UPM Raflatac self-adhesive labels in the United States to invest in processing plants Click to enter Chinese version

      UPM Raflatac has recently published in the United States north of Dixon, Illinois manufacturing facility set up pressure-sensitive adhesivelabels. The plant from the United States, 100 miles west of Chicago. Investment of $ 10 million (about 700 million euros) of new plant can produce all kinds of UPM Raflatac self-adhesive paper and film materials like stickers. The latest technology in processing program also involves a self-adhesive coating and finishing processes. After the completion of the Dixon facility will be self-adhesive label printing industry in the larger, self-adhesive labels perfect distribution of equipment manufacturing companies. Back in 1985, UPM Raflatac company was in the U.S. state of North Carolina, Fletcher cut into the city of sales and volume of adhesive material, until 2001, the companybeganinDoverFletchercitytosetupmanufacturing plant for the first time. UPM Raflatac's North American market to enhance its productivity and efficiency, and in 2001 and 2004, respectively, security in California and around Lake City, Pennsylvania Wilkes-Barre City, a sub-cut self-adhesive processingpointsanddistribution offices. In 2005, UPM Raflatac Fletcher city in the United States established the first to manufacture RFID tags and inlays for thecharacteristics of the label processing. In the past few years, the company UPM Raflatac self-adhesive label materials to expand its global business network. Fletcher city in North America to establish this factory is the main component of global investment, investment amounting to $ 270 million (200 million euros). From the card Dunlop label printing network

      Avery Dennison introduced no effect of self-adhesive label materials

      Label Avery Dennison Corporation recently introduced a new class of self-adhesive film material - Fasson Fasson PP60 Top Clear film, to meet the growing "no label effect" label needs. Now "no label effect" label has been widely used in wine, spirits, beer, family-oriented and personal care products such as packaging labels. Fasson PP60 Top Clear to brand holders can bring a new experience, you can use to have "no label effect" label label customers to reduce costs. Label Avery Dennison's Fasson PP60 Top Clear existing Fasson PP Top Clear products, the quality is consistent, all using the low cost of this material, do not change the cutting mode. Such materials are "snake oil" products to meet the vast majority of non-use requirements for specific applications, while it can be used in conjunction with a lot of release paper and glue, including Fasson S4000 and Fasson PET30 combination with Fasson S692 and BG40 combination. From the card Dunlop label printing network

      Chile revised its food labeling nutrition labeling requirements

      June 6, 2011, Chile passed TBT release G/TBT/N/CHL/161/Add.1, request the food hygiene regulations on food nutrition labels in the revised entry (article 115, section 116) the judge cut-off date extended to June 20, 2011. Chile's health unit in charge from 2009 began to develop workshops to optimize the food label nutrition information labels mandatory on nutrition labels were readable and the commencementofthequerypatterns,evaluation of the splitting of sugar and carbohydrates can be of labeling information, investigation the amount of meals were mortal, and listed on the label to reveal the percentage of the daily performance of the various nutrient elements reference value (DRV) and other information. From the card Dunlop label printing network

      Hong Kong, China has implemented water efficiency labeling scheme for washing machines

      In order to provide consumers with washing machine water consumption and efficiency levels of information, andpromoteconsumerchoice,waterefficient washing machine, January 10, 2011, China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government department issued 38 WTO / TBT notification (G / TBT /N/HKG/38), and March 31, 2011 from the implementation of the household washing machine voluntary water efficiency labelingscheme."WaterEfficiency Labelling Scheme - washing machine" is a voluntary scheme, a hierarchical labeling system. Participate in the plan, the household washing machine must be mandatory or voluntary "Energy Efficiency Labelling Scheme" under the registration. Household washing machines participating in theproject is divided into two categories: drum-type washing machines laundry and mixing. Washing machines and water consumption by type ofindicator(accurate to one decimal place) assess the efficiency of different water levels. Level 1 is the most water-efficient, level 4 was the least conservation. If you want to get a rating from 1 to 3, the washing machine to comply with mandatory or voluntary "Energy efficiency labeling scheme,"therequirement that the washing performance and spin extraction performance requirements. From the card Dunlop label printing network

      Meat Traceability System RFID tag is about to start

      The end of September is expected to run meat traceability system. In addition to pork, this year the food traceability system in Fujian Province is expected to further expand the fruits and vegetables, mushroom, chicken, fish and other fields. Fuzhou city meat traceabilitysystemplancovering 102 farmers' markets, 69 supermarkets, fresh, 87 meat shops, a meat distribution centers, nine meat freezer and a sentinel pig slaughterhouse. The current system has entered the installation and commissioning phase, is expected before the end of September, Fuzhou will be able to run thesystem formally. This year, Fuzhou pork on the market will be able to achieve "the source can be traced back, whereabouts can be verified, may be held responsible." Meat traceability system can be found from the pig into the plant, slaughter, processing, and quarantine to the appearance of the whole meat, including slaughter, suppliers, farmers markets and medium-sized supermarkets (stores) for more information, query information and generate meat library. After completion of the system, as long as the public safety based on the purchase of meat back yards, using the Internet, SMS, 12312 business phone system to report, the market self-check terminal and other means, you can check the meat from the slaughter, wholesale sales to part of the detailed information, the relevant departments on the issue of meat traceability can be achieved, tracking and recall of the exact location of the various retail terminals. It is understood that China's meat processing enterprises in the traceability of food safety and quality aspects of the investment is relatively small. RFID tags are currently the most professional food traceability system solutions. When the product when problems arise, due to the production, processing, transportation, storage, marketing and other aspects of information RFID tags are present, according to the contents of RFID tags can be traced the whole process to help identify problems and problem areas the range of products. In addition, RFID tag information through the network to the public databases, consumer goods through the content of RFID tags and records in the database for comparison, to effectively identify counterfeit products. From the card Dunlop label printing network

      Application to cancel a number of supermarkets in Zhengzhou commodity price tag attached , the parties have different views

      Recently, several large supermarket in Zhengzhou, Henan is not in accordance with state regulations because of the price tag affixed to goods, the price department of Henan Province suffered the punishment. In this regard, a number of large supermarkets joint letter to National Developmentand Reform Commission, said the move will lead to rising costs and lead to rising prices, request the removal of all goods paste NDRC price labeling requirements. This information lead to strong community controversy. Reporters found that a small price tag, ticketing and does not seem simple or even trivial paste, but it is behind the huge interest of consumers, merchants and all the game. Supermarket price tag fraud caused deep concern professional fake people during the Spring Festival, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Carrefour, Wal-Mart supermarket price tag traced to the use of consumer fraud, has aroused strong concern. Subsequently, Beijing, Liaoning, Jilin, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing,Guangxi,Yunnan and other places under the relevant provisions of the pricing department, were involved in the case of 19 supermarket storesthroughoutthestatutory maximum fine amount of $ 500,000, fines totaling $ 9.5 million. Carrefour, the price of retail giantWalMartandotherfraud,ZhengzhouCity,immediately aroused the attention of professional fake people Zhaozheng Jun. In the survey visited a number of large supermarkets in Zhengzhou City, afterZhao Zhengjun found, Zhengzhou Dennis, large business groups and other large supermarkets in the commodity, not the goods or their packaging adhesive price tag, alleged violation of the former State Planning Commission released in 2000 "on the marked price of goods and services to implement the provisions." The requirements of Article XIV provides: "open-shelf counters, vending machines and market-demand sales approachtochoice,theoperator should use the coders in the goods or their packaging adhesive price tag, and should be sub-species in to showcase the provisions of Article 13 at the price tag. " 2011 Spring Festival, Zhao Zhengjun Zhengzhou Municipality, complained to Dennis, big business, Century Lianhua,Carrefourandother large supermarket in Zhengzhou forty-five. Zhengzhou Municipality, then in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, these stores impose a fine of 5,000 yuan, and ordered before April 15 to make a correction. Large supermarket letter: posted price tag, the cost ofZhengzhouMunicipality to increase the penalties, "a ripple." In early April, Dennis, big business, Century Lianhua, Carrefour and many large supermarkets jointly submit to the National Development and Reform Commission, "upward pressure on prices for emergency report", called for the cancellation price tag pasted to all the provisions of goods. In this regard, the supermarket in Zhengzhou Dennis said that if the marked price tag, paste each store everymonth due to the need to increase the material cost price tag of up to 152,000 yuan, a year will be 1.824 million yuan. If corporate profits donotchange under the premise of these costs will be shared equally to goods, the average cost per commodity price 0.18 yuan needs. ZhengzhouDennissupermarket concerned that, if asked prices of each commodity are adhesive labels shall remain in existence, make "professional fake people" take advantage of, giving rise to endless disputes and complaints, follow-up commercial enterprises derived therefrom Management fees increased significantly. Originally unnecessary costs, or will be transferred to consumers, to bring inflation pressures. Large supermarkets in Zhengzhou Commercial Group, the official said, the supermarket is now relying on computer management, the use of bar code checkout, there is no need then passed back to the previous manual operation. National Development and Reform Commission also issued 10 years ago, clearly the price of provisions, largesupermarkets has not yet appeared. Zhengzhou Century Lianhua Supermarket explained that the forty thousand varieties now stores more than one day to sell six or seven million pieces, from a turnover point of view, paste each piece of merchandise price tag is unrealistic at present can not. Zhengzhou Carrefour also pointed out that goods placed on the shelves of the price tag has the price, place of origin clearly marked, and if each item is pasted price tag is a duplication of work, from the environmental point of view, is obviously a waste of . Wal-Mart's public relations official said, the supermarket price tags really need to further strengthen the management, so that consumers can see at a glance thecorrespondingcommodity prices, but if each item on the packaging are pasted price tag, will increase the chanceofmistakes."Bigsupermarketseveryday,promotionalactivities, if done Coke promotion, in accordance with this provision, a bottle of Coke bottle price tag to be affixed, not soldtoday, tomorrow, and then sell, the price needed for a day." Consumers: No price tag can easily be fool signed a letter for minority businesses of things, recently, the reporter visited Erqi Plaza Zhengzhou Hualian Department Store, a large supermarket in Zhengzhou New Mart broad gold shop, garden shop Ludannisi investigation of the situation. Dennis the supermarket next to the garden store's promotional stand before the cleanser, the reporter found 150 grams and 100 grams of a bottle of face cream next to the only promotional price of 19.8 yuan. Reporters asked the supermarket staff, marketing staff that is responsible for the shopping guide to eat, they can help with a bar code swipe. Aminutelater,thestafftoldreporters: "150 grams is 27.9 yuan, 100 grams of 19.8 yuan." Paste the price tag for the commodity requirements, the vast majority of consumers agree. One consumer said: "If each item is labeled price tag, both to help us shop, not prone to price and price inconsistencies. Once theprevious price and the price does not match the bar code will be out shopping question on the grounds sent us. "In the survey, reporters inZhengzhouHualian Erqi Plaza store, large supermarket in Zhengzhou New Mart broad gold shop, garden shop Ludannisi Sanjiadian have not found this so-called" price check machine ", thestaff also told the reporter did not. One consumer said: "I teach a supermarket two weeks, it is something to push a cart, do I remember the price of each commodity? Even shopping malls have a price check machine, do I still have questions will be checking the same kind of goods? and how many stores need to equip the price check machine, in order for a large number of consumers quickly and easily checktheprice?"Inthisregard,professional fake people Zhaozheng Jun also said that in his complaint in the supermarket, no see what the price check machine, do not know what it is like. "Even if there is, if the machine is on the mall in the query, then similar effects and printer, is not credible." From the card Dunlop label printing network


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