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      Card Dunlop Ltd. label printing label printing knowledge part: Click to enter the Chinese version

      (一)label printing concepts:
      Label is that we often see in everyday life as a product packaged goods. Most of the commodities will be close to a wide range of packaging self-adhesive labels. Labels of these products can explain the material of this product, manufacturer, production date and a variety of considerations, and so on. Label printing as a printing technology, applied to all areas of self-adhesive labels, labelprintingonanewconceptinvolvingthedefinition of a narrow range of reel to reel printing within the context of covering letterpress, offset, gravure, screen printing and flexographic printing, UV printing and other printing.
      (二)Label printing types:
      Currently, the types of label printing products rich in content, variety, in the past, some people think that just self-adhesive label printingand other self-adhesive labels, this label's understanding of the limitations of the label product development direction and business development.Now, label printing coverage is increasing, including in-mold labels, adhesive labels, shrink labels, direct screen printing labels, RFIDlabelprinting, label printing, and some intelligence that painted labels, printed labels and other notes, including continuously upgradingavarietyoflabelprinting technology.

      Rotary die cutting applications in label printing resolution.

        Adhesive labels, stickers generally known, widely used in wine, food, canned food, beverages cosmetics, cleaning products, stationery and a lot of lives, goods and containers and packaging. Labels and packaging of the product quality management, standardized management,marketingandinterior plays an important role. Market economy, while promoting the prosperity of the trademark and label printing industry developed rapidly. The most commonly used to label stickers. Label products for our customers look and have strict requirements. Cutting process, not only directly affect the quality of the merits of self-adhesive product quality, also affect the emission process of cutting and pasting the sticker. This is when usingthe automatic labeling labeling is very prominent. Domestic self-adhesive label die-cutting a line-line and on-line rotary die cuttingplatendiecutting two. Outside the cutting line will include a single platen die-cutting and rewinding after cutting. Rotary die which has integral diecuttingroller and magnetic roller (ie, wrapped) two. On-line rotary die cutting work is high, the appearance and paste for high quality, large-volume, fixed-cycle products. An outer platen die-cutting efficiency is low, suitable for occasional, small-volume orders while a shorter delivery time, thedie-cutting products generally apply only to manual labeling. Labeling is divided into automatic labelingandmanuallabeling.Automaticlabelingefficiency is much higher than manual labeling, but the sticker has a strict appearance requirements of precision and paste. Rotary die cuttingplatenrelative terms, more suitable for automatic labeling machine. Zhengzhou card Dunlop Label Printing Co., Ltd. is a label printing is aflag,leadingtheCentral Plains of the label printing industry. Self-adhesive label materials for a composite material, the most common self-adhesive material is divided into two layers of tissue paper and bottom paper, there will still be the main base paper coated with adhesive silicon layer. Self-adhesive label die-cutting after the printing is a special die-cutting in that the different requirements of self-adhesive layered materialcutting.Labelisusually qualified should be cutting products: tissue paper and cut through the middle of the adhesive to be the end of the paper surface and the bottom layer of silicon coated paper will not be destroyed, only to leave painted a uniform surface layer of silicon imprint marks. If at the end of the coated paper surface silicon layer is penetrated, tissue paper in front of the adhesive sticker paper into the bottom inside, then make the tissue paper and bottom paper adhesive. If the cutting depth is not in place or too deep, it is very easy to automatic labeling machine labeling, because planning can not be opened through the end of paper or labels, thus affecting the progress of labeling; hand-labeling, then exposing the standard difficulty, efficiency is low. Rotary die cutting is a cylindrical surface with the cylindrical surface of the rolling process, the whole is the line of contact, and most of the multiple point contact. Therefore, when the cutting pressure to significantly less than the platen die-cutting of the surface contact pressure, a small section of ground equipment, power requirements, running stability was significantly greater than platen die-cutting, the cutting depth required by the mechanical process to ensure than the flat version of the row of knife blade pressure to better meet customer requirements. Rotary die cutting roller when the pressure is proportional to the pressure suffered, and positive pressure directly affects the size of rotary die cutting roll and quality of life. Integral self-adhesive die-cutting roller, cutting knife as one processing line and hair rollers, widely used in the processing of CAD / CAM design technology, and even paperless design, high precisiontoollineposition.However, rotary die cutting is the year of the inadequacies of the product must be equipped with a roller, inflexible. Our customers all over the country: Beijing, Zhejiang Shanghai, Guangdong and Shandong, Tianjin, Chongqing Fujian, Jiangsu and Shanxi Hong Kong, Taiwan and Henan Hebei, Shanxi and Yunnan Sichuan, Hunan and Guangxi, Anhui Heilongjiang, Hubei and Jilin Gansu, Jiangxi and Liaoning Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang Tibet, Qinghai,Hainan, Guizhou and Ningxia Macau Luohe Zhoukou Nanyang Xinxiang Kaifeng Shangqiu Luoyang, Sanmenxia Anyang, Jiaozuo Zhumadian Xinyang, a lot of labels, there are many, labels generally require printing, plus other craft made, you can search the Internet about "card Dunlop label" is a card Dunlop Label Printing Co., Ltd. website, the label is mainly used in decoration, information, identification, security, storage, transportation and other fields, businesses, more industry and product applications include: health care products, cosmetics, daily chemical, electronicsandhomeappliances, daily necessities, food and beverage, supermarkets, retail and logistics,industrialrelatedproducts,securityrelatedproducts,environmentalprotection and related products.

      Label printing ink used

        Food labeling requirements in addition to the printing ink and substrate with general binding force, abrasion resistance, hygienic safety, as food a wide range of different properties, characteristics of different foods, have different requirements on the label. Some of the food labeling requirements, such as resistance to sterilization and boiled to processing requirements, some need to have strong resistance to cold label, heat resistance, etc. to ensure that during transportation, storage will not occur in the ink off, condensation and other phenomena, and some even also the use of special security inks. Performance label printing inks include hue, fineness, saturation, gloss, adhesion, viscosity, drying and so on. The performance of the printing process and print quality are very important impact.
      ◆ ink viscosity stability is a prerequisite to ensure consistency of print quality, ink viscosity is too high or too lowisnotconducivetoprinting, so the ink viscosity control is very important. Generally speaking, in the printing process, with the ink in the continuous evaporation of water and solvent, ink viscosity will gradually increase, it should always measure the viscosity of the ink, good viscosity change records, and timely adjustments;
      ◆ the drying of ink printed on the label also has a significant impact, fast drying and even prone to dry lighter version of the phenomenon of pattern; drying too slow, or likely to cause adhesion of printing ink sticky dirty. In general, the ink drying rate should be and the printing speed, printing equipment and printing patterns of drying capacity to adapt to the area;
      ◆ label for water-based printing inks, pH, control is very important, generally between 8 and 9 is appropriate. Water-based ink can also cause changes in pH, viscosity changes, therefore, in the printing process at regular intervals is necessary to add the right amount of ink in the pH stabilizer; In addition, pay attention to controlling the amount of pigment ink, pigment high proportion (greater than35%),willmaketheinkviscosity becomes higher, thixotropy become larger, affecting ink transfer, this time on the need to make the necessary mixing of ink andinkplacedinsuitable temperature (20 ℃) under the conditions of preservation. In the ink selection, ink particle size should also be considered, and the ink drying performance. Especially in large blocks of color both on the label, there are words, lines or halftone image, weshouldconsiderdifferent patterns of ink drying speed of the requirements are different, too thick paint roller will have some wear and tear, the choice ink should alsopayattention to. In general, the choice of label printing ink printing when considering the type of material, printing and printing conditions, the customer's special requirements, finishing processes, the use of labels and conditions of use, cost several factors:
      ◆ printing materials, and performance is to determine the type of label printing ink one of the most important factors.Differentsubstratesrequire different ink. For example, paper labels can be printed using water-based inks, and film class labels usually use solvent-based ink. In addition, it is noteworthy that even the same type of printing material, if species level or different surface properties, it may be different ink;
      ◆ printing and label printing conditions also affect the choice of printing ink is one important factor. Different printing inks generally cannot replace the use or mixed use, and printing speed, printing equipment and performance of other types of printing ink on the label of choice hassome effect;
      ◆ When the choice of label printing inks also give full consideration to the requirements of customers. Sometimes a customer may request labels have some special effects, such as ice effects, matte effect, security effects, this time may be necessary to label printing inkfromtheperspective of how to meet the special requirements of customers and products;
      ◆ labels to follow through with their paste some special products processing process? Have any special requirements? This label choices have an impact, for example, some products in the processing process, the paste on the label may be subjected to high temperature test, or to exposure to certain chemical reagents, which requires labeling printing ink must have excellent heat resistance, chemical resistance, otherwise the label will result in deformation or damage;
      ◆ Label of use and use of the environment is selected when a label printing ink can not be ignored, such as the Day of the cleaning products used on the label, usually require the printing ink has good acid and alkali resistance, oil resistance, etc. Again, the label for outdoor use, due to withstand wind, sun and rain test, therefore, the choice of label printing ink in the ink must focus on light, water, heat, acid and other aspects of performance;
      ◆ cost factors. Business goal is to maximize profit, which must relate to the costs. In general, UV printing ink price tag, followed by water-based label printing inks, printing inks and solvent-based label the lowest price. Of course, we should consider transport, storage and other aspects of fees and costs.


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