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      How to become a "leader" to lead the label printing industry?Click to enter the Chinese version

        Label printing industry is ultimately a service industry, services to decorative packaging, dissemination of information, automatic identification, security labels, logistics, storage and transportation, such as the five industries that demand for the label, the label printing industry. Labels for product packaging, used in the label industry: cosmetics, electronics and home appliances, medicine and health products, alcohol, food and beverages, supermarkets, industrial appliances and other related products and environmental protection-related products. According to the statistics of the printing industry experts and scholars worldwide label printing market development are very good, demand is increasing every year, some developing countries, the emerging market for label printing, the fastest growing, such as the rise in our country just transparent standard beer business market and health care liquor labels. From the latest technology and trends in world-wide label printing popular, mainly has the following characteristics: a non-paper and roll printing labels of the fastest growing; broader application of new technologies of digital design and imaging ; a variety of uses, new varieties of high technological content and the label market needs large; rapid development, radio frequency identification tag (RadioFrequencyIdentification, RFID tags). If the direction of development of the new label printing technology, the first radio frequency RFID smart labels, after several years of cooperation and development of the Mark Andy, Texas Instruments, card Lepu label more than a dozen companies, and finally Mark Andy Flexographic Printing linkage printed antenna and packaging production line for mass production, is now in the market, mature business operations in North America have been dozens of RFID tag production line in the normal manufacturing, using the method of printing conductive ink and on-line package, not only reduces the manufacturing cost of RFID smart labels, but also with the efficient mass production of electronic tags to meet the huge demand of the future of the field of logistics labels, the application of new technologies in the electronic tag to the tag The printing industry provides good opportunities for growth.
      Experts predict that by 2015 global projected annual will need 1 trillion RF standard, of which 99% of the label in the form to do. In addition, the world's largest supermarket retailers - Wal-Mart Stores Limited has asked the top 100 suppliers in 2006, all to the main distribution plant products and product packaging must be RFID ID; also requires that all goods sent to various distribution points to be used for RFID tags (radio frequency identification tags). METRO Group in Germany on a large scale began in November 2004 extended the application of RFID Test - "supermarket". Many large application system developers such as Sun from SAP, Oracie, IBM, Microsoft and other companies have been found to RFID tags (radio frequency identification tags) technology, opportunities have integrated RFID technology in its products to meet the huge demand of the future in this regard. These huge market demand signal as early as the economic circles of experts and scholars have been identified based on RFID tags to replace bar code labels of goods, a clear signal.In addition, RFID tags have a non-counterfeit features, easier to get the popularity of the application. RFID tags, not just the convenience of the life and work, it means a more secure, efficient, and timely data acquisition, a leap-forward development of the times. Environment for the survival of humanity as a whole will also undergo fundamental change, the application of RFID all-inclusive, will be the recent years, the world's most popular star industry. This time we are in Europe, visit the label printing companies also learned that some well-known international brand of beer (eg Carlsberg, at home and roots), and now they are required to provide transparent labels (plastic film printing), because its customers more attractive force, but by the consumers. Require the use of multilayer label on the medicine bottle, medicine instructions printed in the multi-layer label, opened label to see the instructions for use, convenient and easy to lose. Very convenient for use, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, etc., generally require the use of mold labels. Domestic label printing status and market needs, China's label printing began in the late 1970s, the main equipment, technology, processes and materials from Japan, the United States and China's Taiwan Province and other advanced industrial countries and regions.

         Traditional label printing There are basically three types of printing: letterpress printing, flexo, offset. Domestic still letterpress main flexo presses row, a small amount of label with offset printing, the future development trend is flexo will dominate. With the development of market economy, especially the packaging industry and security industry needs dramatic increase in the domestic label market in recent years to maintain the momentum of sustained high growth, average annual growth rate were maintained at 15% to 20%, which is other packaging and printing industry is second to none. Label printing large-scale, currently there are more than 4,000 label printing enterprises, the annual output of 1 billion square meters. The rapid development of label printing, strong impetus to the formation and development of the label printing industry chain. Label printing industry chain both in the label printing enterprises, including equipment manufacturing, label materials production and related businesses, such as ink, plate-making companies. Which lay a solid material foundation for the development of the label printing industry.


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