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      Warning labels, the role of the Security tab, click to enter the Chinese version

          Common safety warning signs, luminous signs, safety exits, fire signs, luminous label, the ground arrow stickers called the warning labels or safety label, but people generally caused by smoking is harmful to health in the cigarette case posted on the warning labelconcern, It is reported that U.S. tobacco companies in the tobacco manufacturing companies in four joint prosecution of the U.S. Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to protest against the provisions of the new tobacco warning labels, and criticism of these warning labels in violation of the free speech rights of tobacco companies,and give these companies bring hundreds of millions of dollars in the cost of label printing. FDA announced in June this year, nine of the new tobacco warning labels, these warning labels will be intuitive, and even shocking way outside the box of cigarettes, such as the bodies of smokers, real photos of rotten lungs, and Paste in in order to motivate people to quit. And since October 2012, the nine kinds of warning labels must appear on cigarette packaging and advertising. RJReynolds, Lorillard and three other tobacco manufacturing company said that these warning labels are no longer just to convey information to let people decide for themselves whether smoking, but to force them to anti-smoking publicity on cigarette packs. So they asked the judge to stop this warning labeling requirements. The FDA declined to comment, saying do not talk about pending litigation. But the agency announced the new warning labels in June, the Ministry of Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen - Kathleen Sebelius, Sebelius praised these warning labels are very intuitive, very real. The above news organize by card Lepu label release. RFID tags, the technical information of the security label from Label Printing exchange network www.www.wcnmwcnm2.cn

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