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      The label production processing, click to enter the Chinese version

         The non-adhesive label printing sheetfed and roll printing, the label production processing needs laminating, hot stamping, die cutting, die cutting of adhesive materials to be used transflective technology. In view of the structure and the use of adhesive labels, label die-cut into the surfaces of various shapes, and end of paper to maintain its original shape, to facilitate future labeling, you can also remove the extra edge of the paper (printing terminology called waste), so that the self-adhesive label die cutting can be easily from the backing paper peeled off, affixed to be affixed. A security label, laser labels are difficult to produce and transport. Of course, it is a great product, market it is very demand. But use other labels such as to replace it or give up the laser tag. A problem is overheating. The laser printer on a fusion of Head temperature of 250-300 degrees Fahrenheit to produce a well-label, we should film base, adhesive and lining combination. All kinds of raw materials with a good move too slowly, such as label printing, it will also be subject to thermal damage. Another label CORNER - This means that the label set aside. Printing product damage repair. Label transported to the hands of users, paper suppliers and manufacturers is necessary to solve the above problem. Laser tag is generally processed in the rotary flexographic printing equipment, laser tag is difficult to the consensus of the scholars became the printing presses production. Paper suppliers need to understand the requirements of the water needed for control of laser tag, in order to solve the problem of curling and presses jammed. Curling is 81/2 or 11 die-cutting, manufacturers will be difficult to solve this problem. The adhesive is another factor. Heinl said, "If it is too thin and software will plot on the drum, as repair is very expensive. Trimming when the right blade, otherwise the dust accumulated on the drum causes the press stuck." In addition, finished packing carefully, so as not to label folding and damage printer information and data. Volumes lining with a special anti-sealable plastic bag packaging laser tag, so that the moisture (tidal plus heat cause the product to curling). Adhesive after the dry year, the storage life of the label is written on the packaging. Machine into the laser tag, the user can hand into the feed tray, to prevent the occurrence of curling, it can avoid the failure to produce.

      Label printing knowledge exchange Advisory QQ:289524001concern the official microblogging:http://weibo.com/klpcc


      Enter the following graphic design stickers printing and packaging label security industry QQ group, the group number is:96857856,87422635, 75643373,3362750,207217902,207210817,2900233,229808087,177266317,3257645,91186808,232096270,223936625,229535262,215820776Exchange of relevant knowledge. You can also share and search through the following:







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