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      Engaged in self-adhesive printing industry for many years, investment in which self-adhesive label printing equipment? Click to enter the Chinese version

         Label printing program in the industry, you need to know what are two ways to use self-adhesive printed stickers? One is based on the global market, commonly used in Europe and America flexographic printing press, there is the Asia-Pacific region based on the popular letterpressprinting (also known as resin version of the printing press), the latest release of waterless offset printing costs because of higher In the current market is more difficult to carry out or promote. Expected in the next 10 years, the proportion of letterpress machines will decline, the proportion of flexographic printing presses will not be much growth in the new waterless offset label printing machine will continue to increase the proportion of very may enter the period of rapid growth. Label printing in China was first in the 1980s, Zhengzhou card Dunlop sticker printing www.www.wcnmwcnm2.cn represented by manufacturers, the label printing equipment, printing, processing and self-adhesive labels All materials imported from abroad, beginning to reel printing paper-based processing methods into the 90's, many well-known international companies have entered the Chinese market, the entry of these foreign companies also brought a greater demand for high-grade self-adhesive labels , many domestic enterprises have begun to use label printing sheet-fed offset press to print adhesive labels, self-adhesive label printing quality, although there is some progress, but to reach those high-end labels such as platen press, flatten round , baroclinic effect Equality printing machine is very difficult, so these printers printing in order to complete the good results, but want to reduce printing costs, and further increase profits, market share and revenue to also be developed. To the late 1990s, automatic labeling machine in the market demand growing rapidly, which also attracted many foreign professional label printers into China, and China's self-adhesive label printing to seize market share. At this time, some large companies are actively introducing self-adhesive printing flexographic printing press, intermittent rotary printing press and other label production line, so that domestic companies have the opportunity to self-adhesive label printing label printing occupation of high-grade customers, and to have greater technological advances, but also enhance the development of enterprises. Label printing is now the domestic industry is still in the state of the coexistence of a variety of printing, both flexo, letterpress, offset another, these types of printing methods have their own strengths, are highly complementary. Which printing method is more in line with the actual situation of China's label printing industry it? This issue has become the focus of everyone thinking. To contact about our region's economic development level and the quantity of the printing industry to the overall analysis. Investors or operators of producers Road, in the choice of self-adhesive label printing equipment, we should consider their own funds of enterprises, customer segmentation, market positioning and focus on the demand side of the printing and so on. Stage of development for the overall business can be divided into three states: 1. Start-ups the company's customer orientation is generally a small supermarket, a small pharmaceutical companies, private food plants and other small business customers, many of the label printing pattern lines, text, lower quality and smaller quantities. Investors can choose some small investment platen, rotary flat or flat letterpress printing baroclinic (resin version of the printing press), such as Japan Nishida, Taiwan soared, Taiwan Chuan Ling, Shanxi Taihang and other self-adhesive label printing equipment. It is noteworthy that the introduction of this equipment not too much, after a period of time to accumulate some experience in printing and reserve funds, which can open up new customers in the market and create some more sincere cooperation of the customer relationship. 2 customers have a certain accumulation of capital and reserves, and the ability to open up some large enterprise customers, such as printing business needs of potential customers on their own business development and customer segments targeted for a comprehensive plan. Investors can consider buying intermittent letterpress printing machines, also known as resin, such as Japan, Iwasaki, Taiwan Wan come to know, Luo iron, Japan Lintec, etc., so a relatively large investment in printing equipment machines is not large, the risk is not large , the effect quickly, and can be printed using UV ink, printing outlets clear, bright colors beautiful. The use of intermittent letterpress printing a wide range, can not replace the drum size stickers printing large part, to meet the needs of most customers' label printing. 3 onto the professional in the printing business operations, management practices of the road and in order to keep pace with the international market, with self-adhesive label R & D capabilities, the ability to pursue greater development space, according to market demand and customer orders, Select the appropriate label printing equipment, you can purchase a large investment in Label printing equipment, such as self-adhesive company Avery FA2500, Japan, Ko-Pack and so on. With the increase in product volume and increased levels of customer product labels, label printing profits will be improved quickly. Label printing from the exchange network www.www.wcnmwcnm2.cn

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