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      Storage conditions and precautions Click to enter the chinese version

      Card Dunlop sticker label company with excellent adhesion and printability, to tell you about the storage conditions andprecautions:a:cardDunlop's self-adhesive label or labels have outer surfaces, If your company does not have temperature and humidity control equipment in the warehouse, then we recommend that you sealed with plastic film packaging, re-sealed after each use to be packed, so give the label toprovidegoodstorageconditions. II: After printing the sticker stacked layer after packaging, not too heavy, to prevent the adhesion of glue penetration, do not put flammable volatile around such dangerous goods. 3: Use the former to prevent direct sunlight, but ventilation. Under normal circumstances (25 degrees,RH65%) viscosity decreased after one year shelf life. Four: to be posted to keep the surface clean; oil, water, dust, granule material will affect the adhesion of labels down, this is the case with the necessary water, alcohol, dry cloth to clean the objects to be posted after the label.Five:When you paste, the operator's fingers do not touch the glue as part of a small area or clean your hands after contact withlabelcorner,toavoidweakening the label pasted force. To use enough pressure and contact time with the label and the adherend full access.

      Label printing knowledge exchange Advisory QQ,concern the official microblogging:

      Enter the following graphic design stickers printing and packaging label security industry QQ group, the group number is:96857856,87422635, 75643373,3362750,207217902,207210817,2900233,229808087,177266317,3257645,91186808,232096270,223936625,229535262,215820776Exchange of relevant knowledge. You can also share and search through the following:






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