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      Avery Dennison self-adhesive label materials, information technology company Click to enter the Chinese version of the story

         Avery Dennison self-adhesive material mentioned company telling you a little story: If you've used Microsoft Office Word software in the label set function will be very familiar with this feature, when you select the label type of product, Microsoft Office software in the standard product default is Avery. Avery then what does that mean? Avery Avery is translated into Chinese, is the inventor of self-adhesive, one of America's 500 giant stickers - Dennis Avery company. Wash on the market all kinds of cosmetics, medicine and health products and other packaging materials are either label printing Avery Dennison self-adhesive material provided by the company.

         Avery Dennison (China) Co., Ltd. China factory in Kunshan, Shanghai, China headquarters. In recent years, Avery self-adhesive materials inChina accounted for a large market share, sales to maintain an annual growth of 30-40%. Now have Kunshan, two self-adhesive production base inGuangzhou, Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Hong Kong, Wuhan has a sales center or agents. People would ask such a sticker can make such a big market to do? Dating back three years ago, Avery Dennison self-adhesive materials, the company's operations management is still the same as domestic companies in many difficult to regulate the control of the disorder. Orders from time to time due to temporary changes in error; difficult toachievetimelyproduction of materials inventory; product inventory can not reflect real-time; rationing caused by a large number of optimization is not enough waste and so on. Faced with these management difficulties, Avery Dennison self-adhesive materials company headquartered Chinese company a suitable preparation for on-line ERP system to improve management of the existing order of certain man-made chaos. At the time, as IT project manager, Avery Dennison self-adhesive materials, China's IT manager Mr. Yuan Shixiong told reporters at the reception, toldreportersaboutthecompany'sinformationtechnology self-adhesive Avery story.

         To set up offices in China, when Avery Dennison self-adhesive materials company uses a set of simple information label system, mainly used to deal with some of the financial statements, this system features a single, along with Avery Dennison self-adhesive materials business in China's rapid development, has been unable to meet rapid growth requirements. Avery Avery China decided to build headquarters in the United States using the ERP software system, using this system to address the shortcomings of the existing management. Self-adhesive company Avery began information management. Although Avery's headquarters in the United States has successfully used the ERP system, originally planned to be the same copy of the Chinese, but the headquarters of the United States in the learning experience, against China's actual situation and found some differences with the actual situation. Avery self-adhesive label materials, the company is called the manufacturer or supplier, is to provide customers with self-adhesive label materials, and customers are printing company. We can imagine in the United States, due totheprintingindustryismature,thecompletion of the printing market has been divided by the monopoly of a few large printing group, end-user demand for products related to the stability of labeling, product labeling format specification, so that the U.S. headquarters self-adhesive business more concise. ButinChina,theprintingindustry is not mature, the majority of printing companies are small companies, the demand for largedifferencesinselfadhesivematerials,businessinstability, there is no fixed standard product specifications. This has resulted in Avery Dennison self-adhesive materials companies in Chinaface many complex problems than the U.S. headquarters. Headquarters of the model is not intact, and eventually by theprojectstaffoftheDepartment's efforts to make this ERP system for self-adhesive company Avery's China headquarters.

         Avery has been managed by the ERP system on the great progress. Label material has a limited life, if not optimal rationing will likely result in the sale of expired products are not caused by material waste time. With this system, according to the needs of the customer in the past used to pre-prepared products suitable size, sometimes a roll of adhesive materials will be provided to some customers after remaining under the small size of the material, if you can not make good use of it will cause a very big waste, with this system the remaining statistics together a variety of small materials, allocated to meet the needs of other customers, thereby greatly reducing material scrap rate.

         Avery sticker this year the company also introduced an improved price management, price realized by the system and customer bonding. Update the original with a form to record not only slow, but also easy to go wrong, can never manage more than one customer. Now use the system, youcanreview customer credit, credit for purchases and comprehensive study, with different prices, and other preferential policies. Still early in the pricing determined by the manual itself, and then enter the system, after the realization of the system automatically determines the specificdecisionrules based on product-specific customer's specific price, now Avery self-adhesive materials, the management company's Chinese headquarters is already very advanced for China the printing company needs.

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